Politics - what does that have to do with me?!

What does politics have to do with me and how does politics influence my life? In the seminar “Politics – what does that have to do with me?! An educational seminar for young women*" we discussed on July 6th 2023 with participants of VbFF in Frankfurt/Main.

Political participation is a term that is used a lot, but its implementation excludes many. Participation in elections is only one form of political participation. In Germany, political participation should be guaranteed for everyone. But: Participation is not only made possible by rights, but also influenced by other factors. Material and social resources (e.g. infrastructure, education or economic status) are also necessary to enable political participation. Social structures and power relations play an important role in the participation of marginalized groups in political affairs. In this context, women*, despite having won a place on the political scene, continue to be excluded from political spaces and participation in decision-making processes. In this seminar, young women*, who are in an orientation and transition phase in their lives, will lose their inhibitions about institutional politics. The importance of political issues for their personal circumstances, everyday life and their living environment was made clear.

We thank VbFF e.V. for the good cooperation!
