Civic Education with Attitude

In this training for civic educators we wanted revisit some fundamental questions: What do we understand by civic education and what is the political? What is our role as civic educators towards our participants? How does our social position influence the way we act as civic educators? What are our boundaries and what do I dare to do? What is my attitude towards the participants and also towards the topics that we share?

On the picture there is a graffiti saying The World is Yours. The letters are drawn like neon lights and the 'y' in yours is not working so that the graffiti has a second meaning which is The World is Ours.

Civic Education needs and is allowed to take time and space!

The training was designed in such a way that not only content was shared, but civic education was experienced and tested in action with the usual seminar phases and a great variety of methods. Every method was subsequently questioned in a meta reflexion asking for chances and risks. We thus fathomed for whom the method could be used and what should happen before and afterwards.

Above all, we wanted to give the participants time and space to find their own answers to those questions. In doing so, they also had the possibility to reflect on positive as well as negative workshop experiences. Thereby, we could support one another in solidarity and give us more confidence to handle difficult situations in workshops.

We thank all the participants from the BI Ferhat Unvar. You were great! We kiss your hearts❤️
