AdB against drastic cuts in political education and youth work

On July 5, 2023, the federal government presented its draft for the 2024 federal budget. This includes: dramatic cuts in the children and youth plan and in political education. The AdB chairman Boris Brokmeier is appalled: "If the cuts are implemented in this way, we are threatened with a loss of substance for the important work of democracy building."

The Federal Child and Youth Plan (KJP), the central funding instrument for financing the federal infrastructure for child and youth work, is to be reduced by 44.6 million euros, or 18.6 percent. The KJP also supports the political education work of associations, including that of the AdB. The planned cuts would also mean significant cuts for political youth education and would run counter to the "needs-based equipment of the KJP" agreed in the coalition agreement. The cuts in the children and youth plan would also have a noticeable impact on the area. The organizations at federal level pass on funds for national and international work for and with children and young people to their members. As a result, this would mean: fewer offers of political education for young people. This reduction in offers would become even worse if the plans to cut the budget of the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb were also implemented. The budget title, from which political education providers are funded, is to be reduced by almost 4.2 million euros, or around 24 percent.

The AdB urgently calls on the members of the German Bundestag to campaign for political education in the coming budget negotiations and to ensure that the institutions are equipped to meet their needs.

You can find the full length of the appeal here:

