Seminar: We get involved! Participation seminar for young people
Starts: 7. Februar 2025
Ends: 9. Februar 2025
We humans are social beings. We live in groups, identify with them, act in and as groups. We form complex societies in which we interact with each other in a variety of ways. In this way, we individually and collectively pursue the fulfillment of our needs, our life paths. Society provides a framework of possibilities and barriers for this, it is permeated by structures of domination and power, a place of negotiation processes and conflicts. And: this framework of possibilities can itself be changed. Through collective action.
This seminar is dedicated to fundamental democracy education. We start from the young people's individual experiences, their identities, group affiliations and connections to other people. We playfully test and reflect on representation and negotiation processes and work together to develop ideas for better shaping our environment. In this way, we encourage each other to actively participate in social processes.

Carolin Bernhardt (she / her)
Youth Educator for Civic Education
Focus: Diversity and historical critical education
Tel. 06081 91 273 27
Fax 06081 91 273 29