Anti Bias Training


Starts: 27. Februar 2023

Ends: 28. Februar 2023



How is possible to analyze our positioning in society and its meaning? What can we do to act in a prejudice-conscious way?

Thanks to the anti-bias approach, we will perceive our privileges and prejudices in our living and working environment and initiate processes of change. This introductory training is an introduction to dealing with power relations and the various forms of discrimination as well as their consequences. The goal is to develop competencies for diversity-conscious and discrimination-critical strategies for the pedagogical work and life situations.

*This event is available in German language only.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Michelle Chávez (she / her)

Youth Educator for Civic Education

Focus: Diversity

Tel. 06081 91 273 22
Fax 06081 91 273 29

Let me know if you have any questions!

Carolin Bernhardt (she / her)

Youth Educator for Civic Education

Focus: Diversity and historical critical education

Tel. 06081 91 273 27
Fax 06081 91 273 29
