"Deep Diversity" - Empowerment
Starts: 21. Juli 2023
Ends: 25. Juli 2023

Anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim racism are both inhuman attitudes that need to be considered together. However, in everyday life and in the living environment of young people, there are always incompatibilities, exclusions and relativizations. In the 5-day seminar we start from our experiences, our identities, group memberships and connections to other people. They offer the material to start a conversation about diversity, self- and external attributions and role models. Based on our previous life paths, needs and goals, we would like to discuss what social character means, how common needs can be articulated and different ones negotiated.

Carolin Bernhardt (she / her)
Youth Educator for Civic Education
Focus: Diversity and historical critical education
Tel. 06081 91 273 27
Fax 06081 91 273 29